Thursday, October 27, 2022
The SPOG Fall Mini Carnival will be themed like the classic "Penny Carnivals" of fall, made for students. While students enjoy games put on by SPOG members and earn prizes, they will also learn about our organization, volunteer opportunities, and current policy events from tabling SPOG members, as well as meet other students on campus at the carnival. As this is the first year for many students of fully in-person events, we believe this is vital for community building and are excited to have a fun event for everyone to attend.
Purpose: Community building that can lead to increased awareness for SPOG on the HSC campus. Educate students about SPOG meetings, events, and volunteer opportunities.
Games: Cakewalk, Lollipop Pull, Velcro Darts, Bucket Toss, Prize Fishing, Pick-a-duck, and more