105 W. Brandeis Ave. , Louisville, Kentucky 40292

https://louisville.edu/music ##uoflmusic
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Sign up at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/177398181737

Here are some important details if you wish to attend a School of Music Concert:

  • All concerts will have a required online sign-up process on Eventbrite.com
  • Proof of vaccination is required at the door for each concert.
  • Seating will be limited in all concert halls with prearranged spacing to allow for physical distancing.
  • All who enter the Music building, for any reason, must wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth completely at all times.
  • Regardless of one’s vaccination status, we expect that anyone feeling unwell on the day of an event will refrain from attending so as not to risk their own health or the health of others.

The mission of The Music eX Series is:

  • To eXplore different repertoire and composers ranging from the Baroque era to the current days.
  • To eXpress the composer’s and musician's musical intentions.
  • To eXemplify the outstanding quality that the University of Louisville School of Music has to offer.
  • To create a new musical eXperience for new audiences which will reconnect them to classical music.

All proceeds from subscriptions and ticket sales will be used for piano and string scholarships.

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