About this Event
505 S. Hancock Street, Louisville, KY 40202
https://forms.office.com/r/7PrByeeEvSJoin UofL colleagues for a tree planting ceremony in memory of Sarah McKinney. Sarah was a beloved member of the campus community and worked as a Technical Specialist, Sr. in the Department of Pediatrics. She reinvigorated the UofL LGBTQ+ Faculty Staff Association (FSA) and grew its membership to more than 100 participants, after the group was dormant for a number of years. Sarah was also leader in the transgender community and served as chair of the Transgender Wellness Summit and co-founder of the Kentuckiana Transgender Support Group. She was a role model and mentor to countless individuals, assisting people through their transitions, and could always be counted on for support, assistance or encouragement.
Special thanks to S.M.A.R.T. (School of Medicine Advancement, Retention, and Training) Staff, Department of Pediatrics, LGBT Center, UofL Sustainability Council, Physical Plant, and HSC Green Team, for making the memorial tree planting possible.
Tree Planting in memory of Sarah McKinney
Date: April 28, Friday
Time: 12:30 PM
Location: HSC - CTR Building, Green Space in Front of Building
505 S. Hancock Street, Louisville, KY 40202
Corner of S. Hancock St and E. Muhammad Ali
Map, CTR Building: https://louisville.edu/predictivemedicine/about/map-to-clinical-translational-research-building
HSC Parking Map: https://louisville.edu/medicine/cme/documents/louisville-parking-map
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