Free Event

Do you adore your professors? Do you despise your professors? Are you hilarious? Are you explicity not funny, but relish in the attempt anyway? Has the stress of being a student at the University of Louisville finally reached a tipping point of rage and exhaustion, to where the only motivation you have may be funneled into a creative outlet?

The Honors Faculty Roast, reminiscent of the infamous Comedy Central Program, could be the optimal fit for you. Watch as four professors sit at the mercy of their students creativity, or, submit your own roasts of Christopher Tillquist, Christine Steineck, Mark Running, Luke Buckman, and Joy Hart at the link below. Oh, and we will be serving food; whether or not you will enjoy our food-related puns is up to your sense of humor. An extravaganza awaits in the Red Barn, my dear friend.

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