About this Event
2100 S. Floyd Street , Louisville, Kentucky 40208
https://louisville.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/elsb #inaugurationEach year, S.O.U.L. (Student Outreach Uniting Louisville) brings students, faculty and staff together to complete a few hours of community service throughout Louisville.
On Saturday, Sept. 9, at 10 a.m., participants will assemble in the Student Activities Center, Multipurpose Rooms, Belknap Campus. Following remarks by UofL President Kim Schatzel, volunteers will be transported to various service sites throughout the city.
There is no registration. Just come ready to spread the Cardinal Community of Care throughout our great city.
For questions, contact the S.O.U.L. service coordinators, Veronica Lam and Megan Crowley, at elsbserv@louisville.edu.
Special thanks to the UofL Engage Learn Serve Board for their ongoing support of this initiative.
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