Free Event

 Two fun sustainability competitions to get you engaged in saving our one green planet!

Post your sustainable actions with #ULEcolympics2018 to win a Cardinal-colored Echo by PureFix Cycles.

  • Ecolympics Kick-off Party! Thursday, Feb. 1st 11am-2pm in Red Barn - DJ, prizes, sustainability quiz bowl, informational booths, & more!

RecycleMania! - February 4 to March 31, 2018
A friendly annual competition among North American universities. During this 8 week period, UofL will compete to reduce waste, increase recycling & composting, and raise conservation awareness across all three campuses! Keep up with the Cards progress at the RecycleMania website.

  • Help the Cards to victory by avoiding disposables (bring your own mug, bottle, plate, etc.) and fully utilizing UofL’s amazingly easy, single-stream recycling system that lets you recycle everything in the same bin, everywhere on campus: all types of plastic, paper, cardboard, metal, and glass! Details on what you can recycle at UofL here.
  • We're now collecting food wastes for composting from all Campus Housing locations and adding those numbers to UofL's organics recycling totals! Look for a compost collection bin in your residence hall's common kitchen or trash room, and add your organic wastes to our totals! Please no animal/dairy products or liquids, but otherwise, if it came from a plant, we want to compost it: fruit & vegetable wastes/peels/rinds/seeds, bread, pasta, rice, tea bags, coffee grounds/filters, even paper products (tissues, towels, napkins, plates, cups, newspaper, etc.).
  • E-waste Recycling Collection: The Engage. Lead. Serve. Board (ELSB) Green Initiatives will be offering a collection of electronic wastes for recycling at both the Kick-Off event and in every residence hall's lobby throughout Ecolympics 2018! You can recycle any electronic consumer items, including: all computers, monitors, televisions, printers, copiers, scanners, servers, networking equipment, fax machines, telephones and cellphones, RAM/memory, hard drives, battery backups, and peripherals such as keyboards, mice, speakers, AC adapters, and mixed computer cables/wires. Please make sure your data has been wiped from your device before recycling.

Campus Conservation Nationals - February 12 - March 4, 2018
 Live on campus? Win with conservation! UofL residence halls will compete amongst each other and battle together against campuses across the country to see who can reduce electricity use the most over three weeks. All you have to do is stop wasting energy! Turn off lights/TVs/computers; unplug anything you're not actively using; skip the elevator for the stairs; close windows tightly; dry clothes on a rack/line; take quick showers or shower with solar power at the SRC; etc.

  • Keep track of each hall's progress with UofL's Building Dashboard! Use the Dashboard to see how much electricity your hall is using and learn how you can conserve! Halls in the competition include:

Bettie Johnson Hall  Community Park (real-time data!) Kurz Hall (real-time data!) Louisville Hall (real-time data!) Miller Hall Threlkeld Hall Unitas Hall (real-time data!) University Tower Apartments (UTA)


  • In addition to a Green Renovation prize for the winning hall, one resident who takes the most steps during Ecolympics 2018 will win a  Echo by PureFix Cycles. The bike has a matte black frame and Cardinal red deep dish wheels. Go Cards!
  • Post your sustainable actions with #ULEcolympics2018 throughout February & March to be entered into the competition!

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