Friday, November 4, 2022 8am to 4:30pm
About this Event
450 N. Whittington Parkway, Louisville, Kentucky
Conference Agenda
Morning Session:
7:45-8:20 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:20-8:30 AM Welcome: Jesse H. Wright, M.D., Ph.D.
8:30-9:20 AM “Truths and Fallacies of Psychopharmacology”: Nassir Ghaemi, M.D.
9:20-9:45 AM Break
9:45-10:35 AM “Cognitive-behavior Therapy for Difficult-to-Treat Depression”: Donna Sudak, M.D.
10:35-11:25 AM “Family Therapy for Mood Disorders”: Laura Frey, Ph.D.
11:25 AM–12 Noon Panel Discussion: Drs. Frey, Ghaemi, Sudak, and Wright
Noon-1:00 PM Lunch
Afternoon Session: See schedule below; participants choose one workshop for each time slot (1:00-2:30 PM and 2:50-4:20 PM) 1:00-2:30 PM Workshop I
2:30-2:50 PM Break
2:50-4:20 PM Workshop II
4:20-4:30 PM Course evaluation
4:30 PM Conference adjourns
Workshops: 1:00-2:30 PM
1. “Practicum in Advanced Psychopharmacology”: Nassir Ghaemi, M.D.
2. “Breaking through Chronicity: Using Cognitive Behavior Therapy to Overcome Barriers to Change”: Donna Sudak, M.D., Rina Perlin, M.D., and Jesse H. Wright, M.D., Ph.D.
3. “Depression, Suicidality, & the Covid-19 Pandemic: Supporting Youth in Our Evolving
Environment”: Kristie Schultz, Ph.D.
Workshops: 2:50-4:20 PM
1. “Tips for Family Therapy with Depressed and Suicidal People”: Laura Frey, Ph.D.
2. “Clinician Well-being Post Covid-19”: Peter Yellowlees, M.D.
3. “Van Gogh: The Madness and the Genius. A Psychiatric Inquiry”: David A. Casey, M.D.
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